Low Frequency Broadband Acoustic Reciever, Hydrophone

Low Frequency Hydrophone

Low frequency hydrophones, coupled with broadband seismometers, are currently deployed at the base and summit of Axial Volcano.

Low Frequency Hydrophone

Low frequency hydrophones, coupled with broadband seismometers, are currently deployed at the base and summit of Axial Volcano. 


Part of the detection and monitoring of seismic events will be provided by low-frequency hydrophones (2 Hz to 20 KHz) that are well suited to detect the hydroacoustic tertiary phase of T waves of oceanic earthquakes. These sensors also detect solid-earth P waves from regional and teleseismic earthquakes. Coupled with the Ocean Bottom Seismometers, the low-frequency hydrophones will increase our ability to detect offshore earthquakes in real-time, determine their magnitude, and enable better location accuracy.

The Low Frequency Broadband Acoustic Receivers are manufactured by HTI, model 90-U. The instrument HYDLFA301 is located at Axial Base and is coupled with broadband seismometer OBSBKA301; both instruments are connected to the MJ03A J-box by a 25 m-long extension cable. The MJ03A subnet also hosts a Seafloor Pressure Sensor and a Current Meter. 

Low Frequency Hydrophone

Low frequency hydrophones, coupled with broadband seismometers, are currently deployed at the base and summit of Axial Volcano.

Low Frequency Hydrophone

Low frequency hydrophones, coupled with broadband seismometers, are currently deployed at the base and summit of Axial Volcano. 


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