The low-frequency hydrophones (2 Hz to 20 KHz) International District 2that are well suited to detect the hydroacoustic tertiary phase of T waves of oceanic earthquakes. These sensors also detect solid-earth P waves from regional and teleseismic earthquakes. Coupled with the Ocean Bottom Seismometers, the low-frequency hydrophones will increase our ability to detect the offshore earthquakes in real-time, determine their magnitude, and enable better location accuracy.
The Low-Frequency Broadband Acoustic instruments are manufactured by HTI, model 90-U. The HYDLFA304 instrument is located in the Eastern Caldera site and is coupled with a broadband seismometer OBSBBA302; both instruments are connected to the MJ03E J-box by a 50 m-long extension cable. The Eastern Caldera subnet also hosts two short-period seismometers, and a Bottom Pressure and Tilt meter.